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Ginger Scallions Sauce

Updated: Apr 1, 2019

Prep Time: 10 mins. Yield: 1 cup


3 - 4 Shallots / scallions, green and white part thinly sliced

(1 heaped cup)

2 tbsp Finely grated ginger

1/4 tsp Salt

5 tbsp Vegetable oil (or peanut or grapeseed oil)


1. Chop the shallots/scallions and the ginger finely. Add the salt to the scallions and ginger and mix together in a large bowl.

2. Heat the oil in a wok until it begins to smoke, then pour it into the large bowl with the ginger and scallions. Stir lightly. Let cool to room temperature and serve. Keeps 2-3 weeks covered and refrigerated.


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